Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Moving Right Along

Despite my lack of initiave in posting once per week as originally planned, the project has continued as planned.  I continued to take pictures of my progress.

A detail of the peg board with the tuning gears resting in their (now straight) holes.  Everything fits and is flush.  The next step with this will be to add the "peg-board strengthener", a piece of wood which will be glued down the middle of the peg-board, through which the tuning pegs for the melody and drone strings will pass.  I'm still a little perplexed as to how I'll make tapered holes without spending money on a reamer (on the wishlist)--perhaps I'll use my rat-tail file?

This picture shows the sides, tail/butt end, and neck/peg-board.  One side is cut and the other ready for cutting.  I left the ends square to make clamping easier when I'm ready to glue it all together.  You can also see that I angled the bottom inward--you can't see that the top of the side is thinner than the bottom.

If it doesn't turn out quite perfect, I've decided to tell people it's an "ethnic instrument".  ha ha

Here is a shot of how I went about removing the waste wood.  I used my FatMax to cut across the grain, then went back in with my coping saw for the curvey ends until there was enough room to get the japanese saw in there.  After all that, I went back with my files and smoothed everything out.  I'll sand it next.

This is the back or bottom of the instrument.  Two pieces of redwood cedar I ripped from a larger board and book-matched together.  I got my jointer plane just in time to plane this down to a little less than 1/2 inch . . . I've saved all the shavings for mom and dad (I think they make wax fire-starters with them).  I was surprised that the whole piece is evenly thicknessed, but that credit goes to the tool.

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