Tuesday, May 7, 2013

An Excuse for Tools

A dear fellow gave me two wonderful books, one on handtools and the other specifically about planes.  Both books have come in handy as references for deciding which tools might be needed and which can go on a wishlist for the future, and also for care and maintenance of those I have already collected.

Not only am I collecting tools, but also stories from people who have become interested my project.  Everyone seems to have some experience with woodworking or a memory of a woodworker in the family or community.  The response I get most often is, " . . . I always wanted to try making something with wood . . ."

Here's a look through my (pizza box) tool chest:

the saws: japanese, Stanley fat max, and coping (not very well, I'm afraid)

The planes: a little block plane, a smoothing/all purpose plane, and a big jointer

This little guy is the most recent addition, a spokeshave, which I think is just what I needed to shape the tailpiece!  Many thanks to Jim for this treasure!

Other stuff: yes, that big green mat is actually for quilting (sorry mom!) as is the long "ruler".  They're intended for laying out quilt pieces but I've "re-purposed" them.
The red square is a piece of grippy stuff used for lining drawers and cabinets and works great for a project as "gripping" as this one--ha ha.
A chisel, pen and small ruler.  And my files for shaping and smoothing after I've made my cuts.

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