Tuesday, June 25, 2013


When I removed the clamps from gluing the bottom/back and sides together, I cut away the lip of wood in order to even up the edge.  I like the clean look it has--though I have seen a few pictures of nyckelharpas with a lip around both top and bottom edges.  I'll leave a lip around the top.

I rough-cut the "curves" of the corners.  I was nervous the whole time in case I accidently removed too much wood or cut a wrong angle.

 Before and after.

I really like seeing the patterns of the grain of the different pieces come together.

The edges have turned out smooth and not hideous at all!  I had to splurge and buy a replacement sander (the one "power tool" I'm using) since my random orbital fell apart, and was really too big for this project anyhow.  Instead, I chose a Craftsman detail sander.
I was so excited after this point, that I couldn't sleep that night.  My female mind kept running down my list of what I should work on next and how long would it take to attach the sound board?  Cut the keys?  Put the keybox together?  Shape the tailpiece?  Don't forget the pegboard strengthener . . . .

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